April 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on 2nd April, 2024

  1. Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. I Franklyn, P Chapman, A Vogel, S Smith, N Osborne, J Shepherd, The Clerk, Mrs D A Turner and five members of the public attending.
  2. Declarations

    There were no declarations in respect of this Agenda.

  3. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed.

  4. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the bank at present is £13,070 39 in the Current a/c and £4340.53 in the Solar a/c.

  5. Neighbourhood Watch

    This to be discussed next month.

  6. Penhallym

    Clerk to write another reminder to English Heritage regarding repairs to the bridge at Penhallym.

  7. Bus Shelter

    Discuss cleaning the bus shelter again next month.

  8. Email from a resident

    The queries raised has now been resolved since the road was repaired.

  9. Broadband in Parish Hall

    Two quotations received but it was decided to wait until a new Headmistress has been appointed to discuss Broadband at the school.

  10. Hedgehogs

    It was decided not to buy a sign for hedgehogs crossing the road.

  11. Cornwall Council

    Planning Application No PA23/09863 – Broad Langdon, Jacobstow - Planning has been refused.

  12. Footpath 6

    Estimate received for repairing post for £100 and £80.00 for cutting up fallen trees and removing. It was agreed to do the repairs at the moment and contact the land owner in respect of the trees.

  13. Planning Application No PA24/02227

    Erection of an Agric Building for the purpose of housing farm machinery, animal feed and beekeeping equipment – Land South of Broad Langdon, Jacobstow - Proposed we support Cllr. Chapman. Seconded Cllr. N Osborne. Unanimously agreed.

  14. Windel Energy

    Correspondence received regarding Shared Ownership and Community Benefits.

  15. Floods at Wainhouse Corner

    Clerk to reply to Email to say the Chairperson will meet the Officer and show him where the flood occurs.

  16. Cornwall ALC Ltd

    Account received for the annual fee. This amounts to £321.18. Proposed we pay Cllr. Chapman. Seconded Cllr. Osborne.

  17. Councillor matters

    It was reported that the Postbox at Hele Barton had disappeared. Clerk to contact the Post Office to get it replaced.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm.

List of expenses for April, 2024
Date Payee Amount
02/04/24 CALC - Annual subscription £321.18