Minutes of Meeting held on 5th December, 2018
Cllr. Smith chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. P.Chapman, A Vogel, D Adey, C Pallett, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and two members of the public attending.
Apologies received from Cllrs. N Osborne and I Franklyn.
Declaration of Interest/Dispensations
No declarations of Interest/Dispensation.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as correct.
Balance at Bank
It was noted that the balance at the bank was £11,655.08 in the Current A/C and £5,450.12 in the Primrose A/C.
Salt Bins
The Clerk reported that the cost of the Salt Bins would be £198.38 for the 0.17cubic meter size and £239.08 for the 0.28 size filled. Councillors decided to order the bigger one. Cllr. Chopak would pay for this from her Community Chest Fund. Clerk to fill out the necessary forms and order the bin. This to be installed at Ferretts Cross, exact location to be discussed later.
Planning Application PA18/08858
Land at Wainhouse Corner – Demolition of existing building and erection of a dwelling. Cornwall Council had refused this. Councillors decided it should go to a Committee. The hearing will be 10th December and Cllr. Osborne had already been registered to speak on behalf of the Council.
The amount of Precept to be applied for was discussed. It was Proposed by Cllr.Chapman that we should apply for £4,000. It was then proposed by Cllr. Adey that we should apply for £5,000. This amount was seconded by Cllr. Pallett. The later sum was agreed by all other Councillors. Clerk to fill out the necessary form.
Grant donations
The question of application from local organizations for a grant this year was again discussed and agreed that this should be discussed again next month.
Cornwall Rural Housing Assoc
An Email was received from Cornwall Rural Housing Assoc. advising that they have agreed to purchase the land east of Oakdene, Edgar Road, Wainhouse Corner that had been advertised with Outline planning permission (PA16/02485). They advised that they intend to develop this site as a 100% affordable scheme. Clerk to write to them asking them to come to a meeting to discuss this.
Accounts to Pay:-
- CALC – Standing Orders Workshop - £36.00
- Clerk’s Salary & Expenses £549.06 (£454.00 £95.06 Expenses)
- D Swinburn Footpath A/C (Account not yet received)
- Ballynet – Website alteration £25.00
Proposed we pay Cllr.Pallett Seconded Cllr. Vogel
Cornwall Council
Approved Planning Applications for
- PA18/08399 - Witheven Farm Cottage
- PA18/08933 - The Rectory, Jacobstow
Cornwall Council – Local Maintenance Partnership
Correspondence received saying that there is an increase in the LMP grant for the next financial year. The estimated grant sum is £605.39
Councillor Matters
- Cllr. Adey reported that the road had been recently swept and that someone came at short notice to clear the drains by Jolliffs cottage. Also that another good Journal had been published.
- Cllr Smith reported that she would look into a sign for the Notice Board showing the Website details at Jack’s signs in Holsworthy.
- Cllr. Chapman reported that the Signs at Plymswood Cross and Certificate Hill hadn’t been done. Clerk to contact Oliver Jones again regarding this.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.0.pm.
The next Meeting will be 8th January, 2019.