Expenses 2017 - 18

List of Expenses for Year Ending 31st March 2018
Date Payee Expense Amount (£)
16.05.17 AON UK Ltd Insurance 230.89
16.05.17 CALC Membership 213.22
16.05.17 Mrs M Cowling Internal Auditor 50.00
06.06.17 SLCC Membership 55.00
06.06.17 Mrs D Turner Salary & Expenses 492.52
04.07.17 1st Jacobstow Guides Grant 540.00
04.07.17 1st Jacobstow Brownies Grant 500.00
04.07.17 1st Jacobstow Rainbows Grant 500.00
04.07.17 Friends of Jacobstow School Donation 640.00
08.08.17 Friends of Jacobstow School Grant 500.00
08.08.17 Week St. Mary Football Club Grsnt 500.00
08.08.17 Crackington Surf Club Grant 366.00
05.09.17 Mrs D.A. Turner Salary & Expenses 521.00
05.09.17 Ballynet Website 55.00
05.09.17 Jacobstow Journal Donation 750.00
07.11.17 2nd Bude Jacobstow Scouts Grant 500.00
07.11.17 2nd Bude Jacobstow Beavers Grant 500.00
07.11.17 2nd Bude Jacobstow Cubs Grant 500.00
07.12.17 Mrs D.A. Turner Salary & Expenses 529.34
12.12.17 Cornwall Council Election Costs 1911.34
09.01.18 Jacobstow Church Grant 500.00
06.02.18 ICO   35.00
06.02.18 D.A. Swinburn Footpaths 540.00
06.02.18 Jacobstow Graveyard Donation 150.00
06.02.18 Eden Graveyartd Donation 150.00
06.02.18 Cornwall Air Ambulance Donation 200.00
06.02.18 Children's Hospice SW Donation 200.00
06.02.18 Bude Memory Café Donation 50.00