Minutes of Meeting held on 5th February, 2019
Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the monthly meeting of the Parish Council with Cllrs. P Chapman, D Adey, A.Vogel and I Franklyn with two members of the public attending.
Apologies received from Cllrs. N. Osborne. C Pallet and County Cllr. Nicky Chopak.
Cllr. Smith declared an interest in Planning Application Item No.11 on the Agenda and left the room at the appropriate time with Cllr. P Chapman taking the Chair for this Item.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read , agreed and signed.
Balance at Bank
It was reported that the balance at the Bank is £11,008.39 in the Current A/C and £5,450.12 in the Primrose A/C.
Implementing Area Team Planning in Cornwall
Correspondence E mailed to Councillors to read. A meeting for the Bude, Camelford and Launceston area will be held in the Launceston Town Hall on the 28th March. 2019.
Cornwall Rural Housing Assoc.
They are seeking to recruit members to ensure that the Board continues to have a membership with a broad range of skills and experience.
Accounts to pay:-
- Dave Swinburn (Footpaths) £575.00
- ICO Data Protection £40.00
Proposed we pay Cllr P Chapman Seconded Cllr. A Vogel.
Annual Donations
It was discussed and agreed to give the following amounts to the various charities:-
- Eden Graveyard Fund £150
- Jacobstow Church £150
- Cornwall Air Ambulance £200
- Childrens Hospice SW £200
- Bude Memory Café £50
Proposed Cllr. Adey Seconded Cllr. Franklyn. Unanimously agreed.
Community Links Officer
The new Community Links Officer is now Zoe Bernard-John replacing Chris Simms. She would like to come to meet Councillors and will be attending the April meeting.
Planning Application – PA19/00088
Land East of Tayharr, Jacobstow, Bude - Outline planning permission with all matters reserved: Proposed Dwelling. Councillors support this Application.
- Cornwall Council had refused Planning Application for Penhallym, Jacobstow. The reason being that the location of the proposed annex is physically separated from the main dwelling and not within the curtilage.
The proposed annex would be equipped with all facilities required for it to function as an independent dwelling. Etc. - Polling District and Polling Places Review - This is giving the Council advance notice that the review begins on 4h March, 2019. By law, Cornwall Council must conduct a polling district and polling places review every five years. The latest review is due now and must be completed by the end of January 2020.
- Shaping my Community: Bude. Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum is working in partnership with Neetside Community Centre and Bude Coastal Community Team inviting Councillors to a workshop on the 25th February, 2019.
- 2019 Off-Street Parking Order noted.
- Climate Change and Neighbourhood Planning Conference – Correspondence received saying that Cornwall Council has just declared a Climate Emergency. To learn more Councillors are invited to a Conference on Saturday 9th March, 2019.
- Extraordinary Meeting of the Bude Community Network Panel . This is solely to discuss the night time closure of Stratton Minor Injuries Dept.
Ask Cllr. Osborne if he is able to attend and reply as necessary.
- Cornwall Council had refused Planning Application for Penhallym, Jacobstow. The reason being that the location of the proposed annex is physically separated from the main dwelling and not within the curtilage.
Model Standing Orders
Discuss this again next month.
Discuss Speakers for Parish Meeting
It was suggested we ask Mrs Sue Russell, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and Mrs Sarah Smith to speak at the Parish Meeting.
Councillor Matters
- To note that another good Journal had been published.
- Discuss the Bench again next month.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50.pm
Date | Payee | Amount |
05.02.2019 | D. Swinburn (Footpaths) | £575.00 |
05.02.2019 | ICO (Data Protection) | £40.00 |
05.02.2019 | Eden Graveyard Fund | £150.00 (Donation) |
05.02.2019 | Jacobstow Church Graveyard Fund | £150.00 (Donation) |
05.02.2019 | Cornwall Air Ambulance | £200.00 (Donation) |
05.02.2019 | Childrens Hospice SW | £200.00 (Donation) |
05.02.2019 | Bude Memory Café | £50.00 (Donation) |