January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on 8th January, 2019


Councillor Norman Osborne chaired the monthly meeting of the Parish Council with a full attendance of Councillors, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and two members of the Public attending.

  1. Cornwall Rural Housing Assoc

    Mr Alyn Shott and Mr Peter Moore from Cornwall Rural Housing Assoc. attended and informed Councillors that they had purchased land east of Oakdene, Edgar Road, Wainhouse Corner, that had been advertised with Outline planning permission. They are planning to build 100% affordable houses to rent. They will come back to the Council with their plans at a later date.

  2. Public Question Time

    No questions from the Public

  3. Apologies

    No apologies

  4. Declaration of Interest

    Cllr. Chapman declared an interest Item 9 and left the room at the appropriate time

  5. Minutes (Matters Arising)

    The minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as correct.

  6. Electoral Review of Cornwall

    Final recommendations can be read on line.

  7. Accounts to Pay

    • Cormac Solutions – Salt Bin £219.76. Proposed we pay Cllr.Adey Seconded Cllr. Smith.
    • Footpaths A/c still not received. Pay next month.
  8. Cornwall Council

    Planning PA18/08858 – Land at Wainhouse Corner, Demolition of existing building and erection of dwelling. – Cornwall Council refused permission.

  9. Planning Application PA18/11756 – Penhallym, Week St. Mary

    Conversion of disused domestic garage to dependent relatives annex – Reply saying Councillors have concerns regarding this Application. They would like a stipulation that the Annex can only be used for a dependent relative and not as another holiday let. Also that it cannot be sold separately to the main property.

  10. Grant Applications

    Grant Applications was discussed and it was unanimously agreed not to donate to local Organizations this year and maybe donate to a Village project at a later date.

  11. CALC Cornwall Community Governance Review

    Councillors unanimously agreed that they wish to remain the same and keep their Parish identity.

    1. Sowenna Appeal

      This to be discussed next month.

    2. The balance at the Bank is £11,081.65 in the Current A/c and £5,450 in Primrose A/c.
  12. Councillor Matters

    1. A discussion regarding a Village Bench to commemorate 100 years of World War 1 took place. Discuss again next month.
    2. It was reported that the whole road surface on the road from  Wainhouse Corner to Camelford is very dangerous for Cyclists and Motor Cyclists. Cllr. Chopak will contact Highways to find out if the area is due to be re-surfaced in the near future

The next Network meeting is on 8th April and all Councillors should attend if possible.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30.pm

Expenses for January 2020
Date Payee Amount
8th January, 2020 Cormac Solutions (Salt Bin) £219.76