July 2019 Minutes

Minutes of meeting held on 2nd July, 2019

  1. Attendance

    Cllr Osborne chaired the monthly meeting with a full attendance of Councillors, and two members of the Public.

  2. Apologies

    Apologies received from County Cllr. Nicky Chopak.

  3. Declarations

    There were no Declarations of Interest/Dispensations.

  4. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as correct.

  5. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the Bank is £10,895.10 in the Current A/C and £5818.09 in the Primrose A/C

  6. VE Day – 8th-10th May 2020

    Town & Parish Councils are being encouraged to take part in VE Day celebrations.

  7. Planning PA19/02811

    Application for works on trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order – Approved by Cornwall Council.

  8. Climate Change Emergency

    Literature received on this Emailed to Councillors.

  9. Cornwall Council – Rural Housing Enabler

    Correspondence received giving details for identify/unlocking sites for development of affordable housing etc.

  10. Planning Application PA19/04039

    Land North East of Glebe Farm, Jacobstow - Reserved matters for appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale following outline approval PA17/10686 for construction of a family home. Councillors support this Application.

  11. Accounts to approve and pay:-

    • David Ogilvie (Bench) £1,098.60
    • Ballynet £56.00 (Hosting & domain registration for www.jacobstowvillage.co.uk)

    Proposed we pay Cllr. Vogel Seconded Cllr. Smith

  12. Jacobstow Journal

    It was discussed and agreed to pay the Jacobstow Journal the sum of £750. Proposed Cllr. Adey Seconded Cllr.Pallett

    1. Thank-you letters received from Parent/Teacher Assoc. and Jacobstow History/Amblers for donations received.
    2. It was noted that the Parish Hall fees will be increased to £16 per session.
    3. It was discussed and agree to buy a Rose Bush as a leaving present for Mrs. Sue Russell. This to be in the region of £20.
    4. The Clerk had discuss VAT with CALC and was advised that the Council can no longer claim VAT for outside Organizations. (It can only be reclaimed if the Council can retain what they pay for.)
  13. Grant Application

    A grant Application was received from the Church for work in the Graveyard on the trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order. Councillors agreed to give them the sum of £500. Proposed Cllr. Adey Seconded Cllr. Smith.

  14. Cllr. Smith reported that she has received complaints regarding bad smells at Kents Cottage, Jacobstow. Councillors said they should report this to the Environmental Health preferably by Email.

It was decided not to meet in August unless an urgent Planning Application has to be dealt with.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm

List of Expenses for July 2019
Date Payee Amount
02.07.19 David Ogilvie (for Bench to commemorate World War 1) £1,098.60
02.07.19 Ballynet (for Hosting & domain registration for www.jacobstowvillage.co.uk) £56.00