March 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 5th March, 2019

  1. Attendance

    Cllr Osbourne chaired the monthly meeting of the Parish Council. Those attending were Cllrs P Chapman, A Vogel, D.Adey, C Smith, C Pallett, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak, Mrs Sue Russell, Mrs.S.Smith and one member of the Public. The meeting began with the Annual Parish Meeting for which there were three Speakers who all gave very interesting talks.

  2. Apologies

    received from Cllr. I Franklyn.

  3. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations

    There were no declarations for this Agenda.

  4. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as correct.

  5. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the bank is £9,643.39 in the current A/C and £5450.12 in the Primrose A/C

  6. Meet the Planners in Bude, Camelford & Launceston Community Network Areas

    It was noted that there is a meeting in Launceston Town Hall on 28th March, 2019. Cllr. Vogel will attend.

  7. Footpaths

    Mrs Mary Carter explained what needs to be done with the Footpaths. Cllr. Chapman looking to see what needs doing at his end. Cllr. Pallett to cut one of the Paths. Cllr. Pallett to remind Mr Bob Hutt again regarding the work.

  8. Standing Orders

    Discuss again next month.

  9. Planning

    Land East of Tayharr. Cornwall Council had refused this.

  10. Accounts to Pay:-

    • Clerks Salary £454.00 Plus Expenses £56.10 (Total £510.10)
    • Cornish & Devon Post £20.16

    Proposed we pay Cllr. Vogel Seconded Cllr. Pallett

  11. Planning Application PA19/00767

    Land at Wainhouse Corner, Jacobstow
    Proposed Affordable Dwelling and Garage. Councillors support in  principal this affordable type property.

  12. Polling Districts & Polling Places Review 2018/19

    Keeping the same as previous years.

  13. Councillor Matters

    1. The Post Box in Jacobstow hasn’t been re-instated. Contact Royal Mail again.
    2. The Pot Holes on the road from Ferretts Cross to Eden Chapel are very dangerous. Contact Oliver Jones regarding this.
    3. It was suggested we buy a bouquet of flowers for Mrs Russell with thanks on her retirement

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.25pm

List of Expenses for March, 2019
Date Payee Amount
04.03.19 Mrs D.A. Turner (Salary & Expenses) £510.10
04.03.19 Cornish & Devon Post (Advertisement) £20.16