May 2021 Agenda

An Ordinary Council meeting will be held in the Hall on

Tuesday 11th May, 2021 at 7.30pm


  1. Apologies
  2. Election of Officers
  3. Public Question Time
  4. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations in respect of this Agenda
  5. Minutes (Matters Arising)
  6. Balance at Bank
  7. Bus Shelter
  8. Duke of Edinburgh donation
  9. Audit Forms to complete
  10.  Accounts to pay:-
    •  Zurich Insurance Renewal £167.44
    •  CALC – Annual Membership £295.34
  11. Planning Application PA21/02562 – Change of use from outbuilding to Annexe/self contained holiday let - Sunnyside, Jacobstow
  12. Planning Application PA21/03132 – Two storey extension to rear and single storey extension to side of existing property – Sams Meadow, Lower Blagdon Farm, Jacobstow
  13. Correspondence (To note contents of Letters and any Planning Applications received since Agenda printed.)
  14. Councillor Matters