May 2022 Agenda

An Ordinary Meeting will be held in the Hall on Tuesday 3rd May, 2022 at 7.30pm


  1. Election of Officers
  2. Apologies
  3. Public Question Time
  4. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations in respect of this Agenda
  5. Minutes (Matters Arising)
  6. Balance at Bank
  7. Accounts to pay:-
    • Zurich (Insurance) £167.44
  8. Annual Audit forms to complete
  9. Planning Application PA21/11368 – Reserved matters in relation to Outline Planning Permission Decision Notice PA19/08073 dated 05.06.2020 14 Light Industrial units together with 3 live/work units - Wainhouse Corner Business Park, Barr Way, Wainhouse Corner
  10. Planning Application PA22/03339 – Outline application with all matters reserved for proposed farm dwelling - Trefrida Farm, Jacobstow
  11. Planning Application PA22/03026 – Proposed new access and farm track - between Treskinnick C ross and Wainhouse Corner, Bude
  12. Planning Application PA22/03551 – Erection of a dwelling – Land East of Little Beckaveans, Jacobstow, Bude
  13. Planning Application PA22/02738 – Construction of 5 Lodges to provide accommodation for respite care, short term residential care and supported holidays for adults with physical and or learning difficulties with variation of condition 3 of decision PA11/04956 dated 30.08.2011 – New Witheven Farm, Jacobstow
  14. Correspondence (To note contents of Letters and any Planning Applications received since Agenda printed).
  15. Councillor matters
    1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Community Links Officer – Request for signage postponed until next year