Dear Councillor
You are summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Jacobstow Parish Council to be held in the Hall on Tuesday 6th November, 2018
D.A. Turner (Clerk) 29th October, 2018
Please let me know if you are unable to attend
- Public Question Time
- Apologies
- Declaration of Interest/Dispensations in respect of this Agenda
- Minutes (Matters Arising)
- Balance at Bank
- Privacy Notice to be discussed
- Road Closure Edgar Road to Eden Road, Jacobstow 14th-16th November 2018 (24 hours)
- Planning Application PA18/08933 – The Rectory - Extension to dwelling and carport with Office space over (amended)
- Planning Application PA18/08399- Witheven Farm Cottage, Jacobstow - Change of use of existing detached double garage to form two bedroom residential annexe. Proposal to include gabled end roof.
- Planning Application PA18/08858 – Land at Wainhouse Corner – Demolition of existing building and erection of a dwelling.
- Planning Applications PA18/08749 & PA18/08769- Cottage Farm, Jacobstow
- Discuss donations
- Correspondence (To note contents of Letters and any Planning applications received since Agenda printed)
- Planning Appeal Decision – Mr & Mr Jose
- Discuss Precept
- Cornwall Council – Housing Supplementary Planning document for a six week consultation period
- Pay Clerk (Post dated cheque if not meeting in December)
- Five Minutes of Questions
- Councillor Matters