Minutes of Meeting held on 8th October, 2019
Cllr. Osborne chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. D.Adey, P. Chapman, C. Smith, C. Pallett, A Vogel, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak, and four members of the Public attending.
Apologies received from Cllr. I Franklyn.
Declaration of Interest/Dispensation
There were no declarations in respect of this Agenda.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed as a correct record.
It was noted that the balance at the Bank is £10,753.10 in the Current A/c and £5,318.09 in the Primrose A/c.
BT Payphone Review 2019
This was discussed and it was suggested we use the Phone Box for installing a Defibrillator. Clerk to find out the cost of this.
Cornwall’s Localism Summit
It was noted that the Localism Summit will take place at the Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge on the 6th November, 2019. This will be from 9.30 am– 15.30pm.
High Street Heroes Fund
It was suggested and agreed we apply to this fund for a Bench to commemorate World War 2. Also to ask the Petrol Station if it could be put on the grass area where the flower beds are at Wainhouse Corner.
Planning Application PA19/08185
Salamis, Jacobstow – Application for non- material amendment (1) following grant of planning permission PA19/02795. Amendment sought to render the new extension and omit the stone sets. Councillors support this.
Buses through Jacobstow. Email received from Cornwall Council Transport Dept. saying they are currently undergoing a tender exercise of all bus services in Cornwall. In the indicative timetables issued as part of the tender they have included Jacobstow.
Planning Application PA19/07599
Lynhurst, Wainhouse Corner. Demolition of existing building recently notified as a dwelling under PA19/03061 and erection of replacement dwelling, together with minor extension of residential curtilage. After discussion and vote four Councillors were for and two abstained.
Safer Cornwall PaCa Funding
This to be filed.
Mobile Network Infrastructure
the proposals include removing the need for mobile phone operators to seek prior approval when installing radio housing equipment or upgrading masts to support 5G.
Planning Conference for Local Councils
Book in Cllr. Pallett to attend.
Planning Application – PA19/07076
Uppercourt, Broad Langdon – Cllrs A Vogel and C Pallett to visit and discuss next month.
Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Health & Care Partnership
They want our views on 12 sets of actions they have planned to respond to our local challenges.
Cornwall Council – Community Enforcement Programme
The “Report it” webpage offers a quick and easyway to report incidences of environmental crime on-line.
Councillor Matters
It was reported thata gully needs replacing. It is on the Jacobstow road 100yds from Hele Barton towards Plymswood Cross on right on sharp corner. Clerk to contact Oliver Jones. Councillors acknowledged that another good Journal had been published.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.