October 2022 Agenda

An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on
Tuesday 4th October, 2022 at 7.30pm


  1. Public Question Time
  2. Apologies
  3. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations in respect of this Agenda
  4. Minutes (Matters Arising)
  5. Balance at Bank
  6. Cornwall Council – Approved Planning for PA22/04863 – Land South of Hele Barton – To erect a General purpose Agricultural Building
  7. Cornwall Fire & Rescue
  8. Accounts to pay:-
    C J Lloyd – Footpath cutting - £630.00
  9. Planning Application No PA22/07704 – Erection of a building to house water pressure & filtration system for private bore hole etc. (retrospective) on Land East of Highway Farm, Jacobstow
  10. Planning Application No PA22/07358 – The development of a new Modular eco-friendly dwelling – Land at 219942, 094398 – Jacobstow, Bude.
  11. Planning Application PA22/08049 – Erection of a dwelling – Land East of Little Beckaveans, Jacobstow
  12. Correspondence (To note contents of Letters and any Planning Applications received since Agenda printed)
  13. Councillor matters