September 2020 Agenda

Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council to be held online by Zoom on

Tuesday 1st September, 2020 at 7.30pm

Members of the public wishing to attend should contact the Clerk on 01566 7681269 or Email [email protected]

D.A. Turner (Clerk) to the Council 24/08/2020


  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations in respect of this Agenda
  3. Minutes (Matters Arising)
  4. Balance at Bank
  5. Cornwall Council - The Cornwall We Want
  6. Accounts to pay:-
    • Donation to Jacobstow Journal
    • Clerk’s Salary & Expenses
  7. Correspondence ( To note contents of Letters and any Planning Applications received since Agenda printed)
    1. Covid - Nominations for Letters of Thanks
  8. Planning – Prior Notification - A.S. Excavations
  9. Public Question Time
  10. Councillor matters:-
    • Planting Spring bulbs
    • Christmas Tree
    • Vans on junction