September 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on Zoom on 1st September, 2020

  1. Cllr. Osborne chaired the monthly meeting on Zoom with Cllrs. P Chapman, C Smith, D Adey, I Frankly, C Pallett, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and one member of the public attending. Apologies received from Cllr. A Vogel.
  2. Declaration of Interest/Dispensations

    Cllr. Smith declared an interest in Item 8 and left the meeting at the appropriate time.

  3. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed by the Chairman as necessary.

  4. Balance at Bank

    The balance at the bank is £9,064.84 in the Current A/C and £5,795.18 in the Primrose A/C.

  5. The Cornwall We Want

    Posters received inviting people from all over Cornwall to have their say on the Cornwall they want for the future. Any thoughts can be sent to the Clerk for forwarding.

  6. Accounts to pay:-

    Clerk’s salary & Expenses (Salary £454 Expenses £66.31 Total £520.31)
    It was discussed and unanimously agreed to give the Jacobstow Journal a donation of £750 as in previous years. Proposed Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. Smith.

  7. Covid Letters

    The Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall was asking for nominations for letters of thanks for anyone who has gone the extra mile during the Covid crisis. Councillors are asking for a letter of thanks to be sent to all the Staff at Wainhouse Countryf Store for their hard work during this time.

  8. Prior Notification Planning - A.S. Excavations

    Cllr. Smith left the room and Mr. Adam Smith joined the meeting to explain that there are two lorries and two vans parked on site at Treventon, Jacobstow, Bude overnight and leave in the morning. The question of conditions in respect of operational times and lights were discussed. If this is agreed Councillors are happy to support.

  9. Remote Meetings

    It was discussed and agreed to continue with remote meetings at the moment and to pay the monthly account amounting to £11.99 plus tax for this.

    1. Vans on Junction

      Cllr. Chopak said these had been reported and will be dealt as necessary.

    2. Planting Spring Bulbs

      It was discussed and agreed to plant spring bulbs around the village. Cllr. Chapman to buy £100 worth of bulbs. Discuss where to plant them at the next meeting and get the school children to help.

    3. Road Sign

      It was reported that a road sign at Plymswood Cross saying “Week St Mary & Bude” was taken away about six months ago and not yet returned.

    4. Slow on road

      It was reported that the “Slow” Sign on the road from Wainhouse Corner to Jacobstow needs re-painting at both ends also the  red pedestrian sign needs attention.
      Clerk to contact Oliver Jones on all these items.

    5. Accident

      It was reported that an accident had occurred at the Wainhouse Corner Junction on or around the 25th August 2020.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.15pm

List of Expenses for September 2020
Date Payee Amount
01.09.2020 Mrs. D.A.Turner £520.00 (£454.00 Salary & £66.31 Expenses)
01.09.2020 Jacobstow Journal £750.00