The children are back at school and so the after school clubs are starting to get back into gear, don't forget to check out the details for scouts, cubs (page 14) and the Brownies, Rainbows and Guides (page 15) of your journal.
The church are holding another one of their very successful fish and chip lunches on Thursday 21st September, ring Pat Lane on 230740 for more details and to book your plaice (see what I did there!).
The History club are meeting at the village hall on 18th September 2.30, coffee and cake are being served and they are going to discuss Memories and Memorbilia, please contact Jeanne on 230113 for more details, they would love to see you.
Jacobstow WI have someone visiting from the Electric Bakery on 14th September to give a talk, thats bound to be interesting, ring Jill on 239829 for information.
The Jacobstow Amblers will be walking at some point, why not give Mary a bell on 230656 for more details.