April 2022 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on 5th April, 2022

  1. Cllr. Osborne chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. C Smith, P Chapman, I Franklyn, S Smith, J Shepherd, A Vogel, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and two members of the public attending. Cllr. Osborne welcomed new Councillor Mr Andrew Vogel.
  2. Declarations of Interest/dispensations

    There were no declarations in respect of this Agenda

  3. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting had been Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed.

  4. Balance at Bank

    It was reported that the balance at the bank is £10,040.01 in the Current a/c and £1651.81 in the Primrose a/c.

  5. Accounts to pay:-

    • Ross Wilmshurst (Footpaths) £325.00
      Proposed we pay Cllr. P Chapman Seconded Cllr. S Smith
    • Bude Solutions (Annual Fee) £144.00 (plus VAT)
      Proposed we pay Cllr. C Smith Seconded Cllr. S Smith
    • CALC (Annual Membership) £302.72
      Proposed we pay Cllr. P Chapman Seconded Cllr. J Shepherd
  6. Trees at Churchyard

    This was discussed and it was said that the trees had been trimmed back as necessary.

  7. Wainhouse Corner Services

    Planning Application No PA21/09708 – Wainhouse Corner Services – A neighbour came to the meeting to complain that she had not been notified by Cornwall Council about the new extension. This will restrict the light in her front garden and she will be overlooked. Cllr. Chopak said that the Planning Officer is re-looking into this matter.

  8. Queen’s Jubilee

    Cllr. Smith explained the details of the Village Jubilee celebrations

  9. Zurich

    The Insurance Company had written confirming that the Council’s Insurance policy will cover any Jubilee celebrations up to 500 people. A Risk Assessment will need to be done.

  10. Parish Hall – Electricity cost

    The Parish Hall committee had Emailed saying that the electricity costs were increasing to £1. per half an hour.

  11. Councillor matters

    • Pot hole problems were mentions, Cllr. Chopak reporting this to Oliver Jones.
    • Speeding through Jacobstow was mentioned.
    • It was noted that Jacobstow School had an Ofsted report of “Inadequate”. The school is now likely to become an academy.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.35pm.

List of Expenses for April 2022
Date Payee Amount
05.04.22 Ross Wilmshurst (Footpaths) £325.00
05.04.22 Bude Solutions (Annual Website Fee) £144 (Plus VAT)
05.04.22 CALC (Annual Membership) £303.72