June 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on Zoom on 2nd June 2020

  1. Cllr Osborne chaired the monthly meeting which was held on Zoom with Cllrs. P Chapman, C Smith, I Franklyn, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak and one member of the Public. Apologies from A Vogel, D Adey and C Pallett.
  2. Declarations

    There were no Declarations of Interest/Dispensations in respect of this Agenda.

  3. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting were Emailed to Councillors to read and were signed by the Chairman as correct.

  4. Balance

    The balance at the Bank at present is £10,332.25 in the Current A/C and £5795.18 in the Primrose A/C

  5. To agree to adopt a broad delegation for the period up to March 2021, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic:- ‘

    The Council delegates authority to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman to take any actions necessary to protect the interests of the community and ensure Council business continuity’. Proposed we adopt Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. Smith

  6. To resolve to adopt supplementary Standing Orders to meet the statutory requirements for the holding of remote meetings,

    and this lasts until May 7th 2021 or the repeal of legislation whichever is the earlier. Proposed we adopt Cllr. Smith Seconded Cllr. Chapman.

  7. Planning

    Cornwall Council approved Planning Application PL20/02288 – Single storey annexe, Orchard House, Jacobstow.

  8. Accounts to pay:-

    • Heartsafe - Defibrillator Annual Insurance plus new battery and pads £508
    • Zurich Insurance - £167.40 CALC Membership £267.27 Ballynet £58.00
    • SLCC Membership - £65.00 Clerks Salary & Expenses £474.70

    Proposed Cllr. Chapman Seconded Cllr. Smith

  9. Planning Application – PA19/08073

    Outline Application for the erection of 14 light Industrial units together with 3 live/work units. Land South of Old Wainhouse, Eden Road, Wainhouse Corner – A Skype meeting was held with the Planning Officer, Highways Officer, County Cllr.Nicky Chopak and Cllr. Osborne in the morning then discussed at the Council meeting. Reply saying it was unanimously agreed to go with the Planning Dept’s Option 2 which was “To agree to disagree” Councillors accept all conditions but look forward to improvement to the pavement and to refuge/island on A39.

  10. Audit Forms

    1. The Audit form Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2019/2020 was completed on behalf of the Councillors and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk/RFO
    2. Section 2 Accounting Statements 2019/2020 was completed by the RFO and signed as necessary. The Meeting approved the Accounts and these were signed by the Chairman.

    The Accounts will be checked by the Internal Auditor and then displayed in the Notice Board and on the Website. The Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2019/2020 Part 2 will be sent to the External Auditor.

  11. Correspondence

    Email received from Alyn Shott regarding the proposed development at Edgar Road, Jacobstow saying that they need to provide additional environmental information to enable it to be registered. The work regarding this cannot be done until April.

  12. Councillor matters

    Cllr. Adey requested the Clerk to record that another excellent Journal had been received and delivered to every household in the Parish.

There being no further business the meeting was closed.

List of Expenses for June 2020
Payee Amount
Heartsafe – Defibrillator Annual Insurance plus new battery and pads £508.00
Zurich Insurance £167.40
CALC Membership £267.77
Ballynet £58.00
SLCC Membership £65.00
Clerks Salary £474.70 (£454.00 Salary plus £20.70 Expenses)