July 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on 2nd July, 2024

  1. Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the monthly meeting with Cllrs. P Chapman, I. Franklyn, A Vogel, S. Smith, N. Osborne, County Cllr. Nicky Chopak, D.A. Turner (Clerk) and one member of the Public attending.
  2. Apologies

    Apologies received from Cllr. John Shepherd

  3. Declarations

    There were no declarations in respect of this Agenda

  4. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting were Emailed to all Councillors and were agreed and signed.

  5. Balance at Bank

    It was reported that the balance at the Bank is £18,472.59 in the Current A/C and £4340.53 in the Solar A/C

  6. Road Closure

    It was reported that the road from Edgar Road to Eden Road will be closed from 15th- 17th July, 2024 (24hours)

  7. School Parking

    It was reported that at a meeting it was decided to put bus parking lines at the School and that no cars will be allowed to park in the Car Park (apart from Staff). This is for the safety of the children and the new rules will begin in September.

  8. Planning Application PA24/02492

    8, South Park, Jacobstow – Cornwall Council have approved this Application.

  9. Footpaths

    It was reported that rails on a footpath bridge were broken. Clerk to contact Chris Lloyd to get an estimate to repair this.

  10. Flooding at Wainhouse Corner

    The Clerk had contacted the Housing Assoc. and this will be sorted by them.

  11. Planning Application No PA24/04740

    Proposed double garage with craft/store room above – Treling, Eden Road, Jacobstow. Councillors support this Application but would like a condition that it is only used as a garage in conjunction with the main dwelling. (Proposed Cllr. S Smith all unanimously agree).

  12. Jacobstow Journal

    The yearly donation to the Journal was discussed. Cllr. Chopak to find out if this can be given from the Solar Fund

  13. Councillor matters:-

    1. Signs at Wainhouse Corner - It was report that the Carnival sign and The Wyldes sign at Wainhouse Corner is blocking the view of the traffic coming from the Bude direction. Cllr. Chopak will look into this.
    2. Farm Walk - Cornwall National Landsscape will be holding a farm walk on 11th July, 2024 at 1.0pm. This is at Treveddoe, Warleggan
    3. Neighbourhood Watch - a note to be put in the next Journal asking if anyone is interested in becoming a Co-Ordinator to organize a Neigbourhood Watch for Jacobstow.
    4. Jacobstow Scouts – Two representatives from the Parish Council are invited to attend the opening of the new Scout Hut on Saturday 20th July at Grattons Farm from 2.0 – 4.0pm.
    5. Post Box – It was reported that the Post Box still hasn’t been replaced at Hele Barton, Week St. Mary. Clerk to send a reminder.
    6. Clerk to write a reminder to English Heritage as no work has been carried out.
    7. It was decided not to meet in August if there are no Planning Applications.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm