September 2022 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on 6th September, 2022

  1. Cllr. Charmaine Smith chaired the monthly meeting. Those attending were Cllrs P Chapman, N Osborne, S Smith, I Franklyn, A Vogel, J Shepherd, & County Cllr. Nicky Chopak.
  2. Declarations

    Cllr. Sarah Smith declared an interest in Item 6 on the Agenda and left the room at the appropriate time.

  3. Minutes

    The minutes of the previous meeting had been Emailed to Councillors and were agreed and signed as necessary.

  4. Balance at Bank

    It was noted that the balance at the Bank was £10,914.86 in the Current A/C and £1317.03 in the Solar A/C.

  5. Jacobstow Journal

    It was discussed and agreed to give the Jacobstow Journal a donation of 750.00. Proposed Cllr.Chapman Seconded Cllr.Vogel.

  6. Accounts to pay:-

    Clerks Salary £500.00 plus expenses £32.64 Total £532.64
    Proposed to pay Cllr. S Smith Seconded Cllr. N Osborne

  7. CALC

    The Cormac Team will be available to meet on the 27th September, 2022 at the Launceston Rugby Club from 10.00am – 3.30pm.

  8. Civility & Respect

    Correspondence received regarding Civility and Respect for the local Council sector. Civility means politeness and courtesy in behaviour, speech and in the written word.

  9. EV Charging Scheme

    Information received regarding a Fully Funded EV Charging Point Scheme.

  10. Planning Application No PA/04863

    To erect a General Purpose Agricultural building – Land South of Hele Barton – Emails noted

  11. Cornwall Council

    Cornwall Council have approved Planning Application PA22/066933 - The Rectory, Jacobstow – Work on a Macrocarpa Tree

  12. Wainhouse Corner Parking

    Complaints had been received regarding cars being parked on the pavement on the Canworthy Water road. – Cllr. Nicky Chopak to look into this.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.15pm

Expenses for September, 2022
Date Payee Amount
06.09.2022 Clerk’s Salary & Expenses Salary £500, Expenses £32.64